
-2009年度の学生勉強会 日程調整

- 学生勉強会は火曜午後(15時くらいから)を希望します。 -- [[N.H]] &new{2009-03-19 (木) 19:18:05};

*勉強会I(基礎) [#zc1ee1ab]
**日程 [#kee0c6ad]
-毎週木曜 10:00〜12:00
**内容 [#l8a36c9c]
-Reseach Design 3版(Creswell 著)の輪読

**予定表 [#b7941063]

|~|中田|Chapter19|西内|casesjournal.org|Talk to the Fifth Guy: A Lesson in Social Marketing|
|~|奥村 中田|Chapter3.後半〜4|銭谷(1)|西内(2)||
|1/15|西内|>|>|>|Communication about Health Chapter1|
|1/29|大野|>|>|>|Communication about Health Chapter1後半・Chapter2|
|2/12|平野|>|>|>|Communication about Health Chapter3|
|~|銭谷|Communication about Health Chapter4|平野|Health Communication2002;14:361-376|A Double Standard in Bioethical Reasoning for Disclosure of Advanced Cancer Diagnoses in Japan|
|~|渡邊|Communication about Health Chapter5|銭谷|Geriatric Nursing 24;3|Teaching Communication Skills to NursingHome Certified Nursing Assistants|
|~|奥村|Communication about Health Chapter6||||
|~|西内|Communication about Health Chapter7|奥村|Chapter6のこり||
|~|平野|Communication about Health Chapter8|奥村|Communication about Health Chapter9|大野 Chapter10|

--Grounded theory 奥村
---Int J Nurs Study 2008;45(2):203-23.Nurses'meaning of caring with patients in acute psychiatric hosptal settings:A grounded theory study
--Case study 大野
--Narrative 西内
--Ethnography 平野
---Oncology Nursing Forum2008;35:653-60. An Online Frum Exploring Needs for Help of Patients With Cancer:
Gender and Ethnic Differences

--Phenomenology 銭谷 
---QualHealthRes2001;11:824-40. Women's lived experiences of pregnancy: a tapestry of joy and suffering.

*勉強会II(専門) [#q4755318]
**日程 [#y0f9c353]
-毎週木曜 13:00〜15:00
**内容 [#l8a36c9c]
-Learning SAS by Example (Cody著)の輪読
---雑誌名 発行年;号:開始ページ−終了ページ.
---例 Lancet 2008;372:744-9.

**予定表 [#hde6f6c1]

|9/4|銭谷|Chap7前半|西内|Health Education &n Behavior, 2006;33;233||
|~|~|~|大野|Clinical Psychology Review 1999;19:513-30|Social Anxiety and Drinking in College Students : A Social Cognitive Theory Analysis|
|~|~|~|銭谷|Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:504-13|Food patterns measured by factor analysis and anthropometric changes in adults|
|Sep18|銭谷|SAS by Examples&br;Chap1-2 |西内|Am J Public Health. 2008 Feb;98(2):337-43.|Short-term impact evaluation of a social marketing campaign to prevent syphilis among men who have sex with men.|
|~|~|~|大野|MEDINFO 2001:1359-63.|UMIN – Key Information Infrastructure for the Japanese Medical Community|
|~|~|~|銭谷|obesity 2008;16:64-9|Dietary fat increases energy intake across the range of typical consumption in the US|
|Sep25|大野|SAS by Examples&br;Chap3 |西内|臨床試験登録について||
|Oct2|奥村|SAS by Examples&br;Chap4 |西内|臨床試験登録について||
|Oct9|銭谷|SAS by Examples&br;Chap5 |西内|Patient Education and Counseling 69(2007) 100-107|Development of an instrument to measure seniors' patient safety health beliefs: SEAPS survey|
|~|~|~|平野|J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2007;28:456-61|The relationship between television advertising, children's viewing and their requests to Father Christmas(URL:[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18091090?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum>http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18091090?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum]])|
|~|~|~|大野|Health Services Research 2006;42:727-754|Do Professional Interpreters Improve Clinical Care for Patients with Limited English Proficiency? A Systematic Review of the Literature(URL:http://www.futurehealth.ucsf.edu/TheNetwork/Portals/3/Karliner%20InterpRev%20HSR%20publication.pdf )|
|~|~|~|銭谷|Jpn J Health & Ecology 2006;72:15-24|Motivations and psychological characteristics of Japnaese ultra-marathon runners using Myers-Briggs type indicator|
|Oct16|平野|SAS by Examples&br;Chap6 |西内||海外出張のためお休み|
|~|~|~|平野|Acta Paediatr. 2008;97:977-82|Television viewing associates with delayed language development.(★URL:[[http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/120089099/PDFSTART>http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/120089099/PDFSTART]])|
|~|~|~|大野|Health Promotion Journal of Australia;14:42-7|Unintended effects of health advertising to women(★URL:http://www.healthpromotion.org.au/members/journals/apr03/2003_1_SHOEBRIDGE.pdf )|
|~|~|~|銭谷|ProcNAS2008;105:11691-6|The identification of an osteoclastogenesis inhibitor through the inhibition of glyoxalase I(★URL:[[http://www.pnas.org/content/105/33/11691>http://www.pnas.org/content/105/33/11691]])|
|Oct23|西内|SAS by Examples&br; Chap7|西内|Am J Health Behav. 2004;28(2):112-121|Validity of Cognitive Predictors of Adolescent Sugar Snack Consumption|
|~|~|~|平野|Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2004 Jul;38(7):541-6.|The portrayal of mental health and illness in Australian non-fiction media|
|~|~|~|大野|Health Promotion International.1991;6(3):191-7|The response of young men to increased television advertising of alcohol in New Zealand|
|~|~|~|銭谷|ObesRev 2003;4:187-94|Fast foods, energy density and obesity: a possible mechanistic link.|
|Oct30|西内|SAS by Examples&br; Chap8|西内|||
|Nov6|大野|SAS by Examples&br; Chap9|西内|学会(AACH)参加の報告||
|~|~|~|大野|Health Promotion International.1991;6(3):191-7|The response of young men to increased television advertising of alcohol in New Zealand|
|~|~|~|銭谷|J Nutr 2003;133:s841-3|Pricing effects on food choices|
|Nov13|銭谷|SAS by Examples&br; Chap10|西内|Am J Prev Med 2008;34(1)|Playing for Real|
|~|~|~|大野|Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 Oct;2(4):1-10|The cost-effectiveness of 1% or less media campaigns promoting low-fat milk consumption.(★URL:http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1435702&blobtype=pdf)|
|~|~|~|銭谷|J Obesity2008;32:541-9|Three major dietary patterns are all independently related to the risk of obesity among 3760 Japanese women aged 18-20 yrs|
|Nov20|奥村|SAS by Examples&br; Chap11|西内|||
|~|~|~|平野|JAMA|Media coverage  tamoxyphen and mammography..|
|~|~|~|大野|Am-J-Clin-Nutr. 2002 Sep; 76(3): 675-80 |Children who avoid drinking cow milk have low dietary calcium intakes and poor bone health|
|Nov27|奥村|SAS by Examples&br; Chap11|西内|木内先生総長選挙:論文なし||
|~|~|~|平野|SAS by Examples Chap12||
|Dec4|平野|SAS by Examples&br; Chap12|西内| J Clin Epidemiol. 2008 Nov 14.|The quality of reporting of trial abstracts is suboptimal: Survey of major general medical journals.|
|~|~|~|平野|JAMA|Media coverage  Too much , too soon.. .|
|~|~|~|大野|PEDIATRICS 2006;1478-1485|Food-Related Advertising on Preschool Television: Building Brand Recognition in Young Viewers.(★URL:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/118/4/1478)|
|~|~|~|銭谷|BMJ 2008;337:a2002|The joint impact on being overweight of self reported behaviours of eating quickly and eating until full: cross sectional survey|
|Dec11|西内|SAS by Examples&br; Chap.19|西内| Trials. 2008 Aug 11;9:51.|A review of RCTs in four medical journals to assess the use of imputation to overcome missing data in quality of life outcomes|
|~|~|~|平野|J Edu .. .|The interenet use of Hispanics..|
|~|~|~|大野|PEDIATRICS 2003;6-14|Errors in Medical Interpretation and Their Potential Clinical Consequences in Pediatric Encounters.(★URL:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/111/1/6)|
|~|~|~|銭谷|JAmDietAssoc2007;107:979-87|The association between food patterns and the metabolic syndrome using principal components analysis: The ATTICA Study|
|Dec18|西内|SAS by Examples&br; おさらい|西内|Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2007) 40: 743-747|Scientist-friendly policies for non-native English-speaking authors: timely and welcome|
|~|~|~|平野| J ...|The interenet use ..|
|~|~|~|大野|American Journal of Public Health 2000; 90(3): 380-86 |The Impact of an Antismoking Media Campaign on Progression to Established Smoking: Results of a Longitudinal Youth Study.(★URL:http://www.ajph.org/cgi/reprint/90/3/380.pdf)|
|Jan15|奥村|SASによるデータ解析|西内|BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2008, 8:34|User experiences of evidence-based online resources for health professionals: User testing of The Cochrane Library|
|~|~|~|平野|J Epidemiol Community Health 2007;61:575-7|Portrayal of health-related behaviours in popular UK television soap operas|
|~|~|~|大野|British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin 2003;28:369–372| new health promotion message for dairy – the 3-A-Day™ campaign|
|~|~|~|銭谷|J Am Diet Assoc 2009;109:72-9|Making Time for Meals: MealStructure and Associations with Dietary Intake in Young Adults|
|Jan29|奥村|SASによるデータ解析5章|西内|Journal of Public Health Vol. 30, No. 2, 153–160|Relationship between screen time and metabolic syndrome in adolescents|
|~|~|~|平野|BMC Family Practice 2006;7:62|Shifts in doctor-patient communication between 1986 and 2002:a study of videotaped General Practice consultations with hypertension patients|
|~|~|~|大野|HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL 1992;7(1):61-64|The social marketing imbroglio in health promotion|
|~|~|~|銭谷|JNutrEducBehav 2008:40;288-97|Internet-based Interventions Have Potential to Affect Short-term Mediators and Indicators of Dietary Behavior of Young Adults|
|Feb5|大野|SASによるデータ解析6章          論文は木内先生出張のためお休み|西内|||
|Feb12|平野|SASによるデータ解析7章|西内|BMJ 2007;335:1282-4|Comparison of energy expenditure in adolescents when playing new generation and sedentary computer games: cross sectional study |
|~|~|~|平野|BMJ 2005;331:1537-9|Epidemiology and prognosis of coma in daytime television dramas|
|~|~|~|大野|Journal of Health Communication 2008;13:208-215|Formative Research to Develop a Mass Media Campaign to Increase PhysicalActivity and Nutrition in a Multiethnic State|
|Feb19|銭谷|SASによるデータ解析|西内|Pediatrics 2006;118;e1831-e1835|Energy expenditure of Sedentary Screen Time Compared With Active Screen Time for Children|
|~|~|~|平野| Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2006;46:379-83| Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2006 Oct;46(5):379-83|
|~|~|~|大野|Journal of Health Communication 2008;13:596-613|Can Movie Theater Advertosements Promote Health Behaviors? Evaluation of a Flu Vaccination Pilot Campaign|
|~|~|~|銭谷|JNutr 2000;130:3068-72|Dietary patterns are associated with body mass index in multiethnic women|
|Mar5|西内|回帰モデルのさまざまな拡張|西内|The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology|Psychological Bulletin 1998:124(2)262-274.|
|~|~|~|平野|NEJM1996;334:1578-82|Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on television|
|~|~|~|銭谷|JHealthCommn2009;14:15-42|A 10-year systematic review of HIV/AIDS mass comunication campaigns: Have we made progress?|
|Mar12|西内|Communication about health Chapter11|西内|Am J of Epidemiology 2009;169:596–605|Long Working Hours and Cognitive Function|
|~|~|~|平野|Preventive Med2009;48:189-92|Television news exposure is related to fear of breast cancer|
|~|~|~|大野|JHealthCommn2008;13:125-148|The 2005 British Columbia Smoking CessationMass Media Campaign and Short-term Changesin Smokers Attitudes|
|~|~|~|銭谷|NEJM2009;360:859-73|Comparison of Weight-Loss Diets with Different Compositions of Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates|
|Mar19|銭谷|Communication about health Chapter12|西内|||
|~|~|~|大野|Communication about health Chapter13||
|Mar26||Communication about health Chapter10(のこれば)|西内|||

*学生勉強会 [#q4755318]
**日程 [#y0f9c353]


※10/6のみ17:00〜18:00、医学教育研究棟 第一セミナー室
**内容 [#l8a36c9c]
--その他 ファシリテーターの専門性によりみんなに役立つ発表をする

**予定表 [#hde6f6c1]
|9/8|大野|言語学入門 第1回|テキスト1〜4講 言語学入門、言語とは|
|9/22|大野|言語学入門 第2回|5〜9講 音声学(言語音作成の仕組み)|
|9/29|大野|言語学入門 第3回|10〜13講 言葉の成り立ち|
|11/10|大野|言語学入門 第4回|14〜21講 文の構造/言葉が表わす意味|
|11/17|大野|言語学入門 第5回|22〜26講 言語と社会|
|1/13|全員|>|>|コミュニケーション学 1-2章|
|1/20|全員|コミュニケーション学 3-4章|平野|医療現場でのcommunication error|
|1/27|全員|コミュニケーション学 5-7章|平野|医療現場でのcommunication error|
|2/3|全員|コミュニケーション学 8-9章|平野|医療現場でのcommunication error|
|2/10|全員|コミュニケーション学 10-13章|平野|医療現場でのcommunication error|
|2/17|全員|コミュニケーション学 14章|平野|医療現場でのcommunication error|