

* 2020年度前期勉強会予定表 [#sfa22996]

(東京大学に学籍のある方は受講できる可能性がありますので、ご相談ください。学外からの参加も応相談。) ~

**日程 [#k983e060]
**内容(10:30〜12:00) [#s7ae27ab]
-Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives. 4rd edition(Athena Du Pre著)の輪読
-Health Communication 分野の論文の精読

**予定表(午前) [#u1c41b8a]
|CENTER:1|4/7| |    |   | お休み |
|CENTER:2|4/14| | | | お休み |
|CENTER:3|4/21|ZOOM|横田|精読|Effects of fertility education on knowledge, desires and anxiety among the reproductive-aged population: findings from a randomized controlled trial https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/31/9/2051/2913883 |
|CENTER:4|4/28|ZOOM|浅井|教科書精読|Risk communication and public health 2nd ed./ edited by Peter Bennett et al. : Oxford University Press 2010, Chapter 10 Risk Communication and Pandemic Influenza|
|CENTER:5|5/12| | | |お休み |
|CENTER:8|6/2| | | |お休み  |
|CENTER:9|6/9|管理研究棟2F第2会議室| | | |
|CENTER:10|6/16|管理研究棟2F第3会議室|小川|論文精読|Awareness, Attitudes, and Actions Related to COVID-19 Among Adults With Chronic Conditions at the Onset of the U.S. Outbreak A Cross-sectional Survey  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7151355/     https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7151355/pdf/aim-olf-M201239.pdf|
|CENTER:12|6/30|管理研究棟2F第3会議室| | |お休み|
|CENTER:15|7/21|管理研究棟2F第3会議室| | | |
|CENTER:15|7/21|管理研究棟2F第3会議室|藤友|論文精読|Sameh Mortazhejri, et al. Systematic review of patient-oriented interventions to reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections. Systematic Reviews (2020) 9:10.[https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-020-01359-w]|
|CENTER:16|7/28|管理研究棟2F第3会議室|浅井|研究発表|新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する新聞記事の6か月間の変遷 PCR検査とマスクに注目した計量テキスト分析|